I see many things in my daily activities as signs, and sure enough, today there were a few. I had what could be considered a nightmare - a tidal wave going to hit a hotel with me, my sister and a friend in it - while we all remained calm. It wasn't until later in the day that I realized what this meant. I'm gathering my forces to do what I should have been doing for some time - energy healing and more.
My youngest daughter, Bianca, called me early to tell me she dreamed of Granny Carolyn. I forgot to mention to you that my mother died last June. Actually, I prefer to say transitioned, as that is what she did. We'll get to that later. Bianca didn't realize it was Mummy's birthday, so the dream meant even more when she realized that there is a deeper meaning than just having had a dream.
These things happen to us, my daughters and me, quite frequently. Becca (Rebecca - my middle daughter) is really good with dreams. She can tell when her sister Rae (Rachael who transitioned in 2003) visits her and when it is a dream. Following Rae's transition, Becca passed on messages to us from Rae. It was lovely and we all welcomed them.
As Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest said "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." How true this is. Over the years Rae has guided me, mainly by tickling me on my neck. Sometimes its a caution to which I had better pay attention. Sometimes its more of a pat for a job well done. I have only had about 5 dreams/visits from Rae in the nearly 9 years she has been gone, but her presence is with me.
Like Mummy. Once she realized she was going, she told me to tell her what to expect on the other side. While I was excited about this, I also realized that for someone who was Anglican (Episcopalian) and read her Bible daily, I had to be careful about how I presented what I know. I had already introduced her to reincarnation (which she said she didn't really believe in, but then would recount a story which negated that), chakras and the energy body and healing. She was struggling with it and happy to be open to it, even without a full understanding. I do know that when she did the Twin Hearts Meditation while I healed her of what I could (she was in the final stages of lung cancer, liver cancer and it was in her lymph nodes), she was at peace. My sister, who doesn't believe any of this, realized that it was good for Mummy too.
So, I had said to Mummy that when she went she was to give me a sign that she was on the other side. We didn't say what this sign would be. She went on a Thursday morning and on Friday evening, I was lying between sleep and waking. I saw a tiny ballerina in my mind. When I focused more, I realized it was Mummy. Then I had a flashback of us watching an old Esther Williams movie, the synchronized swimmer. There was an underwater ballet scene. I flashed back to Mummy roaring with laughter with her head thrown back and camping it up with her arms. It was the perfect sign. I haven't seen her since then, but felt her energy as my heart chakra grows and warms up.
I could go on and on and will, but at another time. Now I need to get dinner started.